Author: JC

The Netherlands, May 2024 – The Whitefaces Tour

The original driving force behind this trip was finally to see my one missing UK species, Coenagrion lunulatum (Crescent Bluet/Irish Damselfly). I had made two attempts to find it at the Lac de l’Estivadoux in the Auvergne, France but had

Posted in 2024, Netherlands, Trip reports

Triangle of Confusion

My title stems from two documented concepts. In photography, the circle of confusion is used to determine the depth of field, that part of an image which is acceptably sharp. In linguistics, the triangle of meaning is a model of

Posted in Articles

Australia, Jan-Feb 2024

Another trip to Australia but this was mainly a tourist trip, first visiting relatives in Brisbane and then in Stanley, Victoria via Melbourne, with a 10-day motorhome trip through the outback in between. So, my hunting of odonata was less

Posted in 2024, Australia, Trip reports

Dragons Down Under

At the BDS AGM on 18th November held at Nottingham Trent University, I did a short presentation [25 minutes] summarizing highlights of a few trips hunting odonata in Australia. Happily [for me, anyway], the BDS recorded all the presentations so,

Posted in Articles, Australia, Trip reports

Orthetrum conundrum

[I am indebted to Tony (Ant) Marriot for his picture of a female Southern Skimmer (Orthetrum brunneum) used below … with thanks.] Within the European theatre there are two painfully similar Skimmer (Orthetrum) species, the Keeled Skimmer (Orthetrum coerulescens) and

Posted in Articles

Australia, Dec 2022 [FNQ 2022]

In late 2019, just before Covid-19 ruined the world, I went on a 3-week intensive dragonfly hunting trip with Phil Benstead centred around Brisbane. The intention had been to go south into some of the State Parks of New South

Posted in 2022, Australia, Trip reports

France, Sep 2022

We have not returned to France for the last four years, in some ways because of our house in Spain, but largely also because of Covid-19 more recently. September 2022 provided our opportunity to cross the Channel again and renew

Posted in 2022, France, Trip reports

Small Red Females

[This is something of a partner article to Large Red Females in that both Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) and Small Red Damselfly (Ceriagrion tenellum) females are polymorphic, i.e. they come in multiple colour forms, and in the naming of

Posted in Articles

The Netherlands, Aug 2022

My normal pathological avoidance of the school holidays throughout late July and August, coupled with the fact that we’ve tended to visit the southwest of France as opposed to the northeast, have reduced my chances of seeing the Moustached Darter/Vagrant

Posted in 2022, Holland, Netherlands, Trip reports

Botswana & Zambia, July 2022

For the first two weeks of July, with travel supposedly opening up after two years of Covid-19 lockdowns,  we lashed out on a tented camping safari to Botswana, including a side trip into Zambia to visit the stunning Victoria Falls.

Posted in 2022, Botswana, Trip reports, Zambia

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