Aeshna cyanea (Southern Hawker/Blue Hawker)

One of the so-called mosaic hawkers due to the patterning on the abdomen, quite common in our area. An inquisitive hawker that patrols tirelessly, often quite low down. If you or your camera are quick enough at focusing, you can catch them hovering.
There is some colour variation in both sexes:
- ♂ classically has blue markings on the tail-light (S8-S10) but green markings above that. However, there are blue examples which, it has been suggested, are less than mature, the green developing with age.
- ♀ classically has green markings throughout but there are so-called androchrome examples with a blue-marked abdomen. I’m not sure if this is an age related variation or not.
[If you find distinguishing our Hawkers a little confusing see my comparison charts which should help.]
Id Notes
- Large, broad antehumeral stripes
- Broad stripes on side of thorax
- ‘T’-mark on top of frons
- Coloured bands, not twin spots, on S9&10: ♂-blue, ♀-green (see above)
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