Nannophya australis (Australian Pygmyfly)
Nannophya australis (Australian Pygmyfly) is a diminutive little critter which is only somewhere between 2 and 2.5 cms in length. It “inhabits boggy seepages and swamps”. When looking at the pictures, notice how large the wing cells appear in comparison to its tiny size.
Seeing Nannophya australis was a great thrill because I had missed finding its cousin several years ago in Singapore. This was a single encounter at Ewen Maddock Reservoir and, though it was in the marshy margins of the water, I just had to get my feet a little wet to grab these desperately wanted pictures. It was well worth it.
The pictures are all of the same immature male; a mature male develops dark blue pruinosity over the thorax and anterior portion of the abdomen. Here, we see the unadulterated colours.
immature male |
maturing male |