Neurothemis fluctuans (Common Parasol)

found in Cambodiafound in SingaporeWe didn’t seem to be able to visit any dragonfly location without seeing these strikingly and unmistakably marked critters and, lo and behold, my book says it is “undoubtedly the commonest dragonfly in Singapore”. Nice to have ones experience born out. It is not exactly a dragonfly that I could easily tire of looking at, as attractive as the male is, and there’s always the chance to get a better photograph, after all.

Beware, though: in Singapore they are unmistakable but elsewhere, including Cambodia, there is a potential for similarly marked related species.

male female
One comment on “Neurothemis fluctuans (Common Parasol)
  1. loupenfant says:

    I am scared of flying insects even though they are harmless so it never came across my mind to take pictures of these even though I really find them beautiful…

    By pure coincidence, I met my friend at SBG for breakfast and we were too early so we wandered off to the pond area where my friend started snapping pictures of the dragonflies… so I thought okay, why not?

    When I saw the Common Parasol… I was like… WOAH! Pretty! I didn’t knew it was the most common of all….

    I went online to search for what it could be and found that it was called Red Grasshawk Dragonfly, only later that I realised it was also known as Common Parasol, Fortunately I got the species correct… 🙂

    Just sharing my pic of the common Parasol… pretty little thing…

    [Ed: link broken so removed – 13/05/2015]

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