Ceriagrion auranticum (Orange-tailed Sprite)

Seen in Hong KongCeriagrion auranticum has a wide range. The nominate subspecies C. a. auranticum is known from Indonesia (including Sumatra, Java and Sumba), Laos, Myanmar, Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand and Viet Nam (Hämäläinen 1987, Tsuda 2000). C. a. ryukyuanum is known from southern China (including Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan), Hong Kong (Wilson 2004), Taiwan (Wang 2000), Korea, and the Ryukyus Islands in Japan.

Since our only encounter thus far was in Hong Kong Park whilst en route to the Antipodes in October, 2017, the specimens shown here should be subspecies C. a. ryukyuanum. As you can see, it’s a strikingly coloured damselfly that I wouldn’t tire of watching.
